Wesfarmers Health

Community & sustainability

As a business focused on building better lives through better health, we believe in the protection and enhancement of the wellbeing of our team members, the community and the natural environment.

Sisterhood Foundation

Sisterhood Foundation

The Sisterhood Foundation’s purpose is to hear, acknowledge and address the unique health issues impacting Australian women and girls.  

Its mission is to build capability in frontline charities and deliver programs that create positive health outcomes in the lives of women and girls. The Foundation is the official charity for all Wesfarmers Health businesses from 2025.

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Climate resilience

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Human rights & modern slavery

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Waste, packaging & plastics

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Data & cyber security

Wesfarmersh-health_0003_Animal welfare and wellbeing

Animal welfare & wellbeing

Wesfarmersh-health_0002_Safety, health and wellbeing

Safety, health & wellbeing

Wesfarmersh-health_0001_Product quality and safety

Product quality & safety of our own brand products



Sustainability policies

Policies are available for download here.